Agriculture Minister Regulation 01/2018 on FFB Price Setting

Government of Indonesia has issued Agriculture Minister Regulation 01/PERMENTAN/KB.120/1/2018 on directive of price setting mechanism for fresh fruit bunches (FFB) produced by palm oil smallholders. The regulation is official rule of price setting mechanism and partnership building between smallholders and palm oil companies. [googlepdf url=`` download=`Download` width=`600` height=`800`]

Agriculture Minister Regulation 01/2018  on FFB Price Setting

Government of Indonesia has issued Agriculture Minister Regulation 01/PERMENTAN/KB.120/1/2018 on directive of price setting mechanism for fresh fruit bunches (FFB) produced by palm oil smallholders. The regulation is official rule of price setting mechanism and partnership building between smallholders and palm oil companies. [googlepdf url=`` download=`Download` width=`600` height=`800`]