B20 Market Price Index Rp7.294/liter

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources MEMR has set lower biofuel market price index for September 2018 at Rp 7.294/liter, down by Rp 306/liter compared to August 2018 price of Rp 7.600/liter. The market price index will be used as the benchmark for implementing expanded B20 mandatory program and is applied for blending diesel fuel both to special fuel and regular fuel (under CN 51). The new price was announced on Directorate General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation’s  announcement letter No.

B20 Market Price Index Rp7.294/liter

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources MEMR has set lower biofuel market price index for September 2018 at Rp 7.294/liter, down by Rp 306/liter compared to August 2018 price of Rp 7.600/liter. The market price index will be used as the benchmark for implementing expanded B20 mandatory program and is applied for blending diesel fuel both to special fuel and regular fuel (under CN 51). The new price was announced on Directorate General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation’s  announcement letter No. 4540/12/DJE/2018 dated 28 August 2018. It says, biodiesel market price index is fixed at Rp7.294/liter, does not include transport fare that was fixed earlier on Minister of MEMR’s Decree No. 1770 K/12/MEM/2018. “This market index price is used as reference price for implementing expanded B20 mandatory program that will be effective 1 September 2018,” Head of Communication Biro of Ministry of MEMR Agung Pribadi as quoted on MEMR site, Friday (31/08/2018).