CPO Reference Price for January 2020 is Set at US$729.72/MT
JAKARTA—The Trade Ministry has issued a crude palm oil (CPO) reference price for January 2020 of US$729.72 per metric ton (MT). The reference price, which is to be used for export tariff pricing, rose 12.23% to US$79.54 from December 2019 at US$650.18/MT.
The export tariff for CPO was stipulated in Trade Ministerial Regulation No. 94/2019 on the export reference price for agriculture and forestry products that are subject to export tariffs.
“Currently, CPO price has reached below US$750/MT level. In that case, the government has imposed a zero CPO export tariff for January 2020,” Trade Ministry’s International Trade Director General Indrasari Wisnu Wardhana said in a press statement, (26/12/2019).
The CPO export tariff for November 2018 is stated on first column of 2nd attachment, letter C of Finance Ministry Regulation No. 13/PMK.010/2017 and is set at US$0/MT which is exactly the same as December 2019 of US$0/MT. **