Luwu Timur Begins To Replant Oil Palm Plantations
SUPPORTED by the Indonesian Oil Palm Estate Fund (BPDPKS), oil palm smallholders in Luwu Timur District, South Sulawesi began to replant their plantations.

SUPPORTED by the Indonesian Oil Palm Estate Fund (BPDPKS), oil palm smallholders in Luwu Timur District, South Sulawesi began to replant their plantations. At least 2.000 hectares plantation in Sub-district of Burau, Wotu, Mangkutana, Angkona, and Malili are being replanted this year to increase productivity. Luwu Timur Regent Thorig Husler said that the replanting is part of the government programs which is financially supported by BPDPKS of Rp25 million per hectares. This is the right time to implement replanting program since the productivity of their plantations is getting lower,” Husler said in Malili, Luwu Timur, Wednesday (3/10/2018) as reported by Tribun Lutim. In order to implement the program effectively, Husler has asked all sub-district and villages leaders to monitor the program. “There are several things to do to replant old palm oil trees, from cutting down the trees, clearing the land, measurement, to replanting,” Husler said. ***