About Palm Oil

Biodiesel Market Price for March 2020 Set Lower at Rp8.933

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has announced Biofuel Market Price Index (MPI), included biodiesel and bioethanol for period...

Using B30, Biosolar Price Remains Steady

The government has reaffirmed its commitment not to raise biosolar selling price at gas stations during implementation of B30 mandatory...

3 Reasons Government Accelerates B30 Program

Indonesian Government has decided to accelerate implementation biodiesel 30% (B30) program from the initial target by January 2020...

Biodiesel MPI for December 2019 Set Higher at Rp7.914

Biodiesel Market Price Index (MPI) for December 2019 is set higher at Rp7.914 per liter and bioethanol at Rp10.348 per liter.

Road Test Completed, Govt Issues Technical Recommendation...

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) has completed a five-month road test on use of biodiesel with a bio-content of 30%...

Road Test Completed, B30 is Ready to Use

JAKARTA—Research and Development Agency of Energy and Mineral Resources at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) has...

B30 Road Test Shows Impressive Result

THE Indonesia Oi Palm Plantation Fund Management Agency (BPDPKS) in collaboration with Research Centre of Energy and Mineral Resources...

ITB’s Catalyst for Green Fuels Production Gains Praise...

The government of Indonesia highly appreciates Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) for its achievement in developing catalyst to...

September 2019, Biodiesel Price Up, Bioethanol Down

BIODIESEL Market Price Index (MPI) for September 2019 is set higher as Crude Palm Oil (CPO) price has risen.

B30 Suppliers to be Appointed by October 2019

MINISTRY of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) will appoint biodiesel 30% (B30) suppliers by October 2019, as soon as the government...

Indonesia Plans to Make it Mandatory for CPO Producers...

MINISTER of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignasius Jonan said that the government will make it mandatory for CPO producers to produce...

Biodiesel Use Shows Impressive Progress

Biodiesel use in Indonesia showed impressive progress during the first semester 2019.

Global Biofuel Trend Brings Benefits to Indonesia

The global biofuel trend is believed to be the new engine of economic growth for Indonesia as the world demand for biofuels is expanding.

Biodiesel Price Index for July 2019 Set Lower at Rp6,970...

MINISTRY of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) has announced biofuel Market Price Index (MPI) for period of July 2019, included for...