Silent Audit to Monitor B20 Mandatory
Starting form 1 September 2018, the Government make it mandatory for biodiesel B20 to be used both in Public Service Obligation (PSO) and non-PSO.
Starting form 1 September 2018, the Government make it mandatory for biodiesel B20 to be used both in Public Service Obligation (PSO) and non-PSO. This policy is expanding the use of fuel with 20 percent biodiesel content (B20) in the transportation sector, including subsidized and nonsubzidized transportation, trains, ships, power plants, etc. “In trying to monitor implementation of this government policy, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources will conduct an official examination or what we call silent audit. Publics will not aware of it even though we canvass from one gas station to the others,” Director General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation of MEMR’s Ministry Rida Mulyana said on a publication on website, Tuesday (5/9/2018). The audit will not only be conducted to fuel providers but also to B20 distributors. “The policy is stronger and more fair,” he said. If, for instance, a producer do not blend diesel fuel with bio content of 20%, and a supplier do not supply FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester) to producers, they will be fined of Rp6.000 per liter. ***