About Palm Oil

EU and Indonesia Explore Palm Oil Contribution to Sustainable...

THE European Union (EU) welcomed President Joko Widodo’s instruction to halt the issuing of permits for palm plantations, calling...

European Union to Strengthen Indonesia Sustainable Palm...

The European Union (EU) is ready to work with Indonesia on how existing certification schemes could be further strengthened and promoted....

Brown Sugar from Oil Palm Trunks

Palm oil has been getting much attention as many products can be generated from oil palm trees.

Saturated Fatty Acids on Palm Oil is not a Cause of Heart...

The last annual meeting of Indonesian Occupational Medicine Specialist Association (Perdoki) in Yogyakarta has reaffirmed common view...

The President Instruction on Oil Palm Plantation Moratorium

PRESIDEN Joko Widodo has signed a Presidential Instruction (Inpres) concerning moratorium on new palm oil development and ordered...

The House Speaker Agrees to Review Oil Palm Plantations

The House of Representatives (DPR RI) Speaker Bambang Soesatyo asked Commission II of The House to demand Ministry of Agrarian Affairs...

Moratorium is a Breakthrough in Palm Oil Policy

Economic Coordinating Minister Darmin Nasution reiterated his view that government is expecting a complete review and a major law...

413 Oil Palm Companies Granted ISPO Certificates

At least 67 oil palm companies, including two farmer self-help cooperatives, have been granted Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO)...

B20 Could Reduce Exhaust Gas Emissions to 9 Million Tons

The expanded B20 mandatory program is believed to have significant role in reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions  in Indonesia.

Downstream Industry May Stop Palm Oil Negative Campaign

Economists have called on the government to boost palm oil downstream industry in trying to stop negative campaign on palm oil.

Oil Palm Farmers in Riau Demand More Replanting Program

A success story of oil palm replanting program in some regions has drawn interest for other farmers to do the same on their plantation.

Oil Palm Farmers in Labuhanbatu Selatan Initiate Replanting

SMALLHOLDER oil palm farmers associated to Koperasi Konsumen Anugerah Jaya Mandiri Sejahtera (AJMS) at Perlabian Village in sub-distric...

Palm Oil Industry Need Entomology to Increase Production

Palm oil industry has a significant role in regional and national economic development, including poverty alleviation.

Oil Palm Trees Also Grow in Pesantren

INTELLECTUAL intelligence will always be ideal when it is combined with spiritual intelligence, creativity, innovation, and a strong...

Palm Oil Waste Converted into Hydrogen

THERE are at least 1,599 palm oil companies in Indonesia.

It’s Time for a Stronger Palm Oil Partnership

Palm oil is a strategic commodity for Indonesia’s economic development.