Asian Agri to Build Three Biogas Power Plants in North Sumatera

In line with the government’s renewable energy supply program, Asian Agree has built and operated seven biogas power plants utilizing the palm tree waste.

Asian Agri to Build Three Biogas Power Plants in North Sumatera

In line with the government’s renewable energy supply program, Asian Agree has built and operated seven biogas power plants utilizing the palm tree waste. Mentioned in its press release (22/5/2018), Asian Agri is building three biogas power plant units this year in Pelalawan Regency  in Riau, and Labuhan Batu District and Asahan District in North Sumatera from the overall goal of 20 power plant units by 2020. Every unit has the potential of generating 44 MW electricity. Bukit Sanjaya, Asian Agri Head of Operation, said that the partnership with farmers has became the company’s focus in increasing palm oil productivity in three provinces, namely North Sumatera, Riau, and Jambi. “The One to One Partnership Commitment brings into reality the management for the partner farmer’s palm tree plantations to be as vast as Asian Agri’s main plantations, nearing 100.000 hectares by 2018,” Sanjaya commented. The partnership program allows the management of one hectare of the farmer’s plantation to be comparable to one hectare of Asian Agri’s plantation, managing the plantation with the best agronomic practice, the farmers to be provided with training, on-site supervision, modern tools and necessary access for farmers to sustainably increase the palm tree productivity. Asian Agri’s partnership program answers the palm oil challenge faced by Indonesia.