The House Speaker Agrees to Review Oil Palm Plantations
The House of Representatives (DPR RI) Speaker Bambang Soesatyo asked Commission II of The House to demand Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency to map out plantations area in order to review national palm oil governance.
The House of Representatives (DPR RI) Speaker Bambang Soesatyo asked Commission II of The House to demand Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency to map out plantations area in order to review national palm oil governance. This is also to recognize plantations operated by smallholder farmers and by palm oil companies. Bambang’s statement came after Presiden Joko Widodo issued Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 8 year 2018 concerning moratorium on new palm oil development and ordered a review of existing plantations as well as boost the productivity of palm oil plantations. The Inpres signed on 19 September 2018 ordered all central and provincial governments, including governors, mayors and district chiefs to re-evaluate permits. The moratorium will last three years. “We also asked Commission IV and VI of DPR RI to demand Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Industry to improve palm oil products quality to make them more competitive in international market,” Bambang said on his written statement, Monday (24/9/2018). ***