Presidential Instruction on Moratorium New Palm Oil Plantations

President Joko Widodo has signed Presidential Instruction (Inpres) number 8 year 2018 concerning moratorium on new palm oil development and review of existing plantations as well as boost the productivity of palm oil plantations. The Inpres signed on 19 September 2018 ordered all central and provincial governments, including governors, mayors and district chiefs to re-evaluate permits.

Presidential Instruction on Moratorium New Palm Oil Plantations

President Joko Widodo has signed Presidential Instruction (Inpres) number 8 year 2018 concerning moratorium on new palm oil development and review of existing plantations as well as boost the productivity of palm oil plantations.

The Inpres signed on 19 September 2018 ordered all central and provincial governments, including governors, mayors and district chiefs to re-evaluate permits. The moratorium will last three years. ***

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