5 President’s Directives to Push Palm Oil Contribution to SDGs
PRESIDENT Joko Widodo called palm oil industry to step up their actions on achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
PRESIDENT Joko Widodo called palm oil industry to step up their actions on achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). He said there are at least five things to do by palm oil industry to contribute to SDGs.
President statement’s came as he opened the Indonesian Palm Oil Conference (IPOC) 2018 & 2019 Price Outlook at Sofitel Nusa Dua, Bali, Monday (29/10/2018). This 14th IPOC is held with the theme `Palm Oil Development: Contribution to SDGs`. Approximately 1.500 businesspeople from 36 countries are expected to participate in whole events in this conference. The conference is also supported by the Indonesia Oil Palm Estate Fund (BPDPKS).
As stated on press release published by the Indonesian Palm Oil Association (Gapki), President Joko Widodo said that all stakeholders in palm oil industry need to do at least five steps in attempt to achieve SDGs. Firstly, oil palm plantation management should be more environmentally friendly. It needs technology application to achieve this effort.
Secondly, acceleration of smallholders’ oil palm plantations replanting program. “I have demanded to cut down on replanting grants disbursement procedures. If replanting program runs well, smallholders income will increase,” Jokowi said.
Thirdly, export market has to be expanded. Palm oil industry should be more aggressive to find new palm oil market beside the traditional market. For example to Iran, African countries, south Asian countries a part from China that is currently one of the biggest market for Indonesian palm oil.
The fourth and fifth aspects, the President said, are to increase palm oil industry in downstream side and to implement expanded B20 mandatory program. “B20 mandatory is being implemented, but is yet to be as fast as I wanted,” the President said. ***