Presidential Instruction 5/2019 on Stopping New Permits and Improving Primary Natural Forest and Peatland Governance
President Joko Widodo, on 7 August 2019, signed Presidential Instruction (Inpres) number 5 year 2019 concerning stopping new permits and improving primary natural forest and peatland governance. The Inpres ordered a permanent moratorium on issuing new licenses to use land designated as primary natural forest and peatland in the area of conservation forests, protected forests, production forests which include limited production forests, fixed production forests, and convertible production forests, as well as areas for other purposes as listed on Indicative Map of Stopping Issuance of New Permits.

President Joko Widodo, on 7 August 2019, signed Presidential Instruction (Inpres) number 5 year 2019 concerning stopping new permits and improving primary natural forest and peatland governance. The Inpres ordered a permanent moratorium on issuing new licenses to use land designated as primary natural forest and peatland in the area of conservation forests, protected forests, production forests which include limited production forests, fixed production forests, and convertible production forests, as well as areas for other purposes as listed on Indicative Map of Stopping Issuance of New Permits.