President Imposes Moratorium on New Palm Oil Plantations
PRESIDEN Joko Widodo has signed a Presidential Instruction (Inpres) concerning moratorium on new palm oil development and ordered a review of existing plantations as well as boost the productivity of palm oil plantations. The Inpres signed on 19 September 2018 ordered all central and provincial governments, including governors, mayors and district chiefs to re-evaluate permits.
PRESIDEN Joko Widodo has signed a Presidential Instruction (Inpres) concerning moratorium on new palm oil development and ordered a review of existing plantations as well as boost the productivity of palm oil plantations. The Inpres signed on 19 September 2018 ordered all central and provincial governments, including governors, mayors and district chiefs to re-evaluate permits. The moratorium will last three years. “An order to review oil palm plantations has been signed by the President,” Prabianto Mukti Wibowo, a deputy minister at the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, said in Jakarta, Thursday (20/92018) as quoted by Liputan 6. Ahmad Erani Yustika, Expert of Staff Members of the President also said that the Inpres has been signed. “Yes, the information [on Inpres No 8/2018 signing] is true,” he said, Thursday (20/9/2018) as quoted by Prabianto said the Inpres is needed because many plantations are inside natural forests according to an Environment and Forestry Ministry map and also to clarify the legal rights of villagers and smallholders. `In this presidential instruction, all central and provincial governments, including governors, mayors and district chiefs were ordered to re-evaluate permits. It also instructs (them) to delay the opening of new palm oil plantations to reduce conflict.` The moratorium was also expected to boost the productivity of smallholders` oil palm plantations and clarify the rights of smallholders. “With this Inpres, we are attempting to solve any problems on oil palm plantations located in natural forest. After being reviewed, that plantations could be certified,” Prabianto said. ***