Malaysia to Adopt Indonesia’s B20 Mandatory Policy
Indonesia’s expanded B20 mandatory program has attracted Malaysia, the world`s second-largest palm oil producer after Indonesia.
Indonesia’s expanded B20 mandatory program has attracted Malaysia, the world`s second-largest palm oil producer after Indonesia. Malaysia will move forward towards that direction just as what Indonesia has done. The Malaysian Deputy Minister of Primary Industries Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin had informaly meeting with Coordinating Minister of Economic Relation Darmin Nasution to share views on this project. “We are conducting dialogues with industries on enhancing the usage of biodiesel in the country just as what Indonesia has done,” Shamsul said di Jakarta (27/8/2018) as reported by Katadata. Recently, Malaysia will make it mandatory for biodiesel to have a bio-content of 10 percent (B10). However, this plan has been delayed and won’t be launched until the Government release budget bill on November. Malaysia also believes the biodiesel mandatory program could increase domestic demands that will also boost global CPO price. Malaysia is hoping to cooperate with Indonesia to control global CPO supply since this two countries control 90 percent of world’s CPO market. `We should collaborate, rather than compete,` Shamsul said. ***