BPDPKS Launches Fellowship Program for Journalists

THE Indonesia Oil Palm Plantation Fund Management Agency (BPDPKS) of Ministry of Finance has launched a fellowship program for journalist to improve their journalistic knowledge and skill of news reporting about palm oil.

BPDPKS Launches Fellowship Program for Journalists

THE Indonesia Oil Palm Plantation Fund Management Agency (BPDPKS) of Ministry of Finance has launched a fellowship program for journalist to improve their journalistic knowledge and skill of news reporting about palm oil.

The program which will be held in several batches is open for journalists from national or regional print and online media. The fellowship will be awarded to ten journalists in each batch and the first batch has been launched since March 2019.

Journalists Fellowship Program allows journalists to carry out a research and improve their knowledge and skill of news reporting about palm oil in the area of environment, health, economic impact, sustainability standard, palm oil products as well as other relevant issues.

Three best awardees will be given an opportunity to carry out journalistic activities abroad. The following are requirements to apply for the fellowship:

1. Prerequisities Applicants are required to:

  • Present a statement of interest in carrying out research and field trips.
  • Submit a brief CV.
  • Submit a reference letter from supervisor or editor that recommends applicant to apply the program.
  • At the end of the program, awardee is obliged to submit a report on an article concerning the research. The article is allowed to be published on the media awardee works for.
  • At the end of the program, awardee is obliged to submit a report on an article concerning the research.

2. Applicant is journalist who works for either national or regional print or online media.

3. Applicant must have 2 years experience.

4. Applicant must have experience in writing articles about the issues in the national palm oil industry concerning environment, health, economic impact, sustainability standard, and palm oil products (applicant must present three published articles as additional evidence of his/her professional proficiency).

Applicants can get application form and detailed information by contacting Ibu Ratih +62 81318753580 or Meliana Meling +6287880164884, email meliana.meling@bpdp.or.id. ***