BPDPKS Conducts Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey
THE Indonesian Oil Palm Estate Fund (BPDPKS) is conducting survey/questionnaire to stakeholder in order to improve BPDPKS service performance and to find out stakeholder satisfaction. The survey will be conducted to some stakeholder from government/ministries, companies, associations, academics, farmers, and others that are currently in touch with BPDPKS. On an official letter numbered S 41/DPKS.1.2/2018, Head of General and Human Resources Division of BPDPKS Suharman said the survey will be conducted by third party, Markplus, in order to remain confidential and to ensure data validity.

THE Indonesian Oil Palm Estate Fund (BPDPKS) is conducting survey/questionnaire to stakeholder in order to improve BPDPKS service performance and to find out stakeholder satisfaction. The survey will be conducted to some stakeholder from government/ministries, companies, associations, academics, farmers, and others that are currently in touch with BPDPKS. On an official letter numbered S 41/DPKS.1.2/2018, Head of General and Human Resources Division of BPDPKS Suharman said the survey will be conducted by third party, Markplus, in order to remain confidential and to ensure data validity. In this case, BPDPKS will not directly know all information given by stakeholders. Stakeholders are expected to give reliable and authentic information based on their experience they had in receiving BPDPKS service. The survey will use CATI (Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview) system and be conducted from 11 December 2018. Consultant will contact stakeholders by telephone integrated with the system on hotline numbers 0811-8247-327 and 021-8607-9655. **