Announcement for Biofuel Market Price Index of August 2018

In trying to implement  5th dictum of Minister of Energy and Mineral Recources Decree Number 6034K/12/MEM/2016 concerning Market Price Index (MPI) for biofuel blended with fuel oil as amanded by Minister of Energy and Mineral Recources Decree Number 2026 K/12/MEM/2017, we are pleased to announce MPI of August 2018: [googlepdf url=`` download=`Download` width=`600` height=`400`]

Announcement for Biofuel Market Price Index of August 2018

In trying to implement  5th dictum of Minister of Energy and Mineral Recources Decree Number 6034K/12/MEM/2016 concerning Market Price Index (MPI) for biofuel blended with fuel oil as amanded by Minister of Energy and Mineral Recources Decree Number 2026 K/12/MEM/2017, we are pleased to announce MPI of August 2018: [googlepdf url=`` download=`Download` width=`600` height=`400`]