Test By BPPT Proves B20 Do No Harm to Vehicles
Indonesia’s Technology Assessment and Application Agency (BPPT) concluded that biodiesel B20 do no harm to vehicles, both new and old vehicles.

Indonesia’s Technology Assessment and Application Agency (BPPT) concluded that biodiesel B20 do no harm to vehicles, both new and old vehicles. Furthermore, B20 could improve vehicle performance.
In a 2015 study by Indonesia’s Technology Assessment and Application Agency (BPPT), six passenger vehicles from three manufacturers were driven over 40,000 km (25,000 miles) using B20 biodiesel and regular diesel.
The test found that B20 improved vehicle performance and acceleration, and reduced emissions, but the vehicles consumed roughly 4 percent more fuel than vehicles using regular diesel.
Tatang Soerawidjaja, chairman of the Indonesian Association of Bioenergy Scientists and Technologists, said extensive tests have shown that B20 poses “no problems” for diesel engines, even in older models.
Filters would only need replacement or more frequent cleaning in the early phase of adopting biodiesel use, referring to FAME’s solvent effect when mixed with regular diesel.
“The bio content cleans dirt off of the tank’s walls and pipes, and this ends up in the filter,” he said. *** (Reuters)