Investors To Build Palm Oil Mill in Kotim
It’s been quite a long time people in the district of East Kotawaringin, has been throwed many complains about incompatibility in palm oil price on the market.
It’s been quite a long time people in the district of East Kotawaringin, has been throwed many complains about incompatibility in palm oil price on the market. This conditions happened, because there are no palm oil processing factory in that area. A farmer forced to sell their crop with unfair price to middlemen. But in the near future, their problem will be resolved very soon.
Many investors almost finalize their plan to build palm oil processing factory. With the existence of processing factory, they hoped a fair price for every farmer in that area.
That plan got supported by DPRD East Kotawaringin Vice Chairman, Supriadi. In fact it is considered to be a fresh breeze for a farmers. “In addition, the positive impact of the presence of the industry will also be required to participate in opening employment to local communities,` said Supriadi.
They hoped the existence of palm oil processing factory, so palm fruit production can fit really well. If the factory can fit all the crops from the farmers, so it will give a welfare to the farmers in East Kotawaringin.
Supriadi said, oil palm farmers in East Kotawaringin are really potential since they have 89 thousand hectare land. If the investors are going to invest from a perspective of raw material reserves in East Kotawaringin, it is particularly suited in the southern region to be developed.
Supriadi said, `This is what people have been waiting for. In order for the agricultural activities of this oil palm can side with the community. I strongly support that discourse, `
Supriadi also asked East Kotawaringin City Council to simplify the permissions process. As we know, it’s a form of support to palm farmers in Kotawaringin.