Indonesian Diplomats Receive Brief on Oil Palm
As many as 25 Indonesian diplomats are briefed on oil palm by visiting oil palm plantations directly.
As many as 25 Indonesian diplomats are briefed on oil palm by visiting oil palm plantations directly. They witnessed palm oil related activities ranging from tree care, harvesting, integrated pest management to Topaz, the superior oil palm seed provider managed by private company Asian Agri, in Buatan, Siak, Riau.
The event which took place on Friday (11/5/2018) is the result of a joint initiative between the Board of Funds of Oil Palm Plantations (BPDPKS) with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The participants are schollars, staff and leaders of foreign service (Sesparlu) Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
To better understand the initiatives conducted by Asian Agri in supporting environmental sustainability and providing new environmental friendly renewable energy, these Indonesian diplomats are also invited to see the processing of palm oil (pome) waste at Biogas Power Plant (PLTBg) located near the oil factory Palm oil. These Indonesian diplomats present also had the opportunity to visit Asian Agri partner’s plasma farmer land that has been rejuvenated in April 2016 and had close dialogue with the representatives of smallholders and self-help farmers.
`Through this experience we hope the participants can become the agents of development and agent of information to be able to promote our national sustainable palm oil management,` said Asian Agri Corporate Affairs Director M Fadhil Hasan.
Asian Agri is a national private company that produces crude palm oil (CPO) since 1979. Until now Asian Agri manages 100 thousand hectares of oil palm plantation and employs 25,000 people. As a pioneer of the Indonesia’s National Transmigration Peatland (PIR-Trans) program, Asian Agri has partnered with 30 thousand plasma farmers in Riau and Jambi who manage 60 thousand hectares of oil palm plantations, and foster partnerships with self-help farmers to bring positive impacts on their wellbeing and improve their economic. ***